Coordinating Accelerated World Efforts on Space Sustainability

As humanity ventures further into outer space, our impact on this vast environment grows. The potential consequences are beyond our current understanding. It is therefore crucial that space is used and explored in a sustainable manner for the benefit of present and future generations alike.


“The sustainability of outer space poses both a significant challenge, and a significant opportunity, for the space ecosystem as a whole.”

WSSA Founding Members


The Vision

The World Space Sustainability Association (WSSA) is a multi-stakeholder and inclusivity-driven platform that works on a wide array of sustainability challenges.

The breadth of this work spans across industries and matters, including:

  • space and terrestrial environment;

  • space debris;

  • space traffic, spectrum, and frequency management;

  • space security and safety;

  • space asset manufacturing and quality controls;

  • space resource utilisation;

  • space law and policy.

In working on these challenges, the WSSA consistently seeks to foster constructive debate amongst its members and support and assist them in converging on a collective way forward. The WSSA prides itself in serving as the bedrock on which the global space ecosystem can develop a united and responsible charge on space sustainability.

If you wish to learn more about the work of the WSSA, please contact us by submitting your information here.